Regurgitation because it is memory -

Hannah Yukon
4 min readDec 14, 2020

Staying present — micah wipes her tail on her right hindleg, reminding me that I must stay present not to repeat the past — and her mistakes — like a crepe — it is when I am resisting the robot that I am carving out new doorways of existence — or history — my own life and not someone else’s — distractions might persist but it is ultimately my own awarenesses that keeps me here — my own — owner of a moment — this divine unity with presence — a payment gateway articulated as a semiotic gesture towards The Truth — dissipating as soon as I arrive — existence in fractals — writing as evidence of the beyond — it fees like my mind is refusing complete sentences because it works in fragments — what constitutes emblematic discoveries of wondering tides — an envelop to a misdirected dire state of affairs.

I approach the hole in the wall that is connected to an electric source that allows my laptop to stay turned on — electricity and my screen — the algorithms procreating it’s own internal structure within an internal structural — technology within space — I Segway back into the original topic at hand — which is the curling down of the canvas corner that has a life game plan for the world — the future — what is stuck to the wall behind is an orange construction paper that reads


By cognitively re-wiring the brain — the brain bank — the electronic system that says you owe $42 dollars (double entrants for an entendre) will be replaced with “Payment Made” without you having to actually make a payment — so in that way — we can trick ourselves for those who need logistical reconfigurations through the practiced act of reformation, to return land to Native Tribes — a representative could go to a make believe cash register in the middle of the Mojave Desert, where a clerk with tags of IRA/CIA/FBI/IRS/UN/ROTHCHILDS/W A L L S T R E E T

O n them, the amount that the Federal US gOVERNMENT wants to charge Native Tribes to claim back the land that was stolen from them in the first place, the number on the screen will read “Payment made” — and land can be returned — wha la -

This will require the closing of many brands that we are comfortable with — it will require the end of some clothing and food brands that some of us really enjoy — for reasons — upon investigation might lead you back to your healing journey — source of pain and insecurity — perhaps more — an LV bag will not cure your fear — neither will a bag of Doritos -

Delicious non GMO plastic wrapped options exist.

We’re having these woke ass conversations in space and we’re like man if only I could travel and tell these people these truths right now! Oh cool someone’s taking mushrooms hurry go!

Ah shit they don’t know how to express what they know — they need to learn how to write and read and dance or play an instruments to convey these messages — okay lets try all the Jimmie’s in the world! Go!

And that’s what our ancestors are — they are the closest other fractals to us — though distance is an illusion as is Time — how nerve wreaking — to not operate on Time — through our divine connection with them — or the codes that we share -

Destroy all clocks and watches — we understand that we no longer operate through the confines of numbers that dictate our movement — free — thinkers — doers -

I must be comfortable — with you — with spirit — so that when you look up and see what you want to see — it will be whatever that is which is in your heart — truth of what you seek is within and around — through the multiple layers of sanctified uniformity — of light-ness and doubt-less-ness — mistakes arise when certain thoughts enter my mind — moment to moment to moment the underlaying rhythm of life does not cast aside the posturing, but envelops it in its wakeful uncovering — over and over and over again — the shadow reminds us that there is nothing that is exactly what it seems — if anything — a delicious reminder of our corporeal states — this is perhaps why reading and writing became sins — our throat and sound whores for our desire — not generally — to repeat something on repeat — as if a longing was enough of a trail back — yet our understanding for truth became disjointed with our agenda of wanting to anything — rooted in memory — nothing can penetrate the goal -

When I’m standing in front of my work, and thinking about what the thread is, knowing that once I understand what my work is for myself, then I will be able to approach it — or re-approach it with greater intentionality. Once I figure out the unifying umbrella…I’ll be on to the next thing. There is something inherently silly about absolute certainty.



Hannah Yukon

Born in New Zealand and raised in Singapore, Hannah is a hybrid artist whoes work examines anti-capitalist practices. She lives in Brooklyn and raves soberly.